Come and See
Advent 2022
Join us as we journey through the Advent Season. Below are some simple ways for you and your family to participate at home during the week. (material from Each week includes some Bible passages to read and a time of personal reflection and sharing. These practices can be a starting place. Feel free to have fun and get creative as you go! This is a great way for us as individuals, parents, children, small groups, friends, etc to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord. "Let every heart prepare Him room."
And then please join us on December 24th, at 5 PM for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service as we celebrate together the birth of our Lord Jesus.
week 1 (Nov 27th)
Read the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 15:1-6 and 21:1-3. This is a story of hope. God promises a son to Abraham and Sarah. Even though it took a long time for their son to be born, God kept his promise. Share a time when you have experienced God’s hope, perhaps in a time of difficulty.
Additional Readings
Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 21: 4-9; Luke 2:25-32
week 2 (dec 4th)
Read John 14:15-27, the passage in which Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. Share a desire you have for peace in the world, whether a large conflict (such as the war in Ukraine) or something much smaller (such as people in your workplace or at school who do not get along.) Pray for the peace of Christ to break through in that situation.
Additional Readings
Mark 4:35-41; 2 Chronicles 30:1-20
week 3 (dec 11th)
Read Acts 8:26-40, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. Share the story of how you came to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior or of a time when you experienced great joy.
Additional Readings
Acts 9:1-19; 1 Samuel 1:1-20; Luke 1:1-25
week 4 (dec 18th)
Read Genesis 33:1-17, the story of Jacob’s return to Esau and the gracious spirit in which Esau received him. Share a time when the love of Christ was shown to you through the ministry of others.
Additional Readings
Ruth 4:1-12; 1 Samuel 20; 2 Samuel 9