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We all want richer, fuller lives, right?  We want to know the Bible better, and we want real-life training for the challenges of life in the 21st century.  LIFECHANGE is just what you've been waiting for.  Three times a year we offer 8-9 week classes designed to meet you right where you are, so you can enter into the abundant life that Jesus promises.  

Lifechange will help you:

  1. explore  life with Christ and membership at Grace,

  2. learn practical ways to live out your life with Christ,

  3. discover how God has uniquely gifted and equipped you to make a difference in the Church and the world,

  4. enjoy digging into the riches of God’s Word, and

  5. interact with others.  We are made for fellowship and community, and the best learning happens when we do it together!


There will be three basic tracks: Foundations, Biblical Studies, and Christian Living.


Foundations will include Membership classes, & focus on spiritual formation, discipleship, and ministry. 


Biblical Studies will focus on books, topics, themes, or letters, that won't likely be covered in Sunday morning messages (for example, the life of David, stewardship, spiritual gifts, evangelism, etc.) 


Christian Living courses may center on Parenting Young Children/Teens; Budgeting; Balancing Work, Life, and Ministry; or books like The Screwtape Letters or spiritual biographies, etc.


Classes will happen either before or after the Sunday morning service in the Activity Center.  Childcare will be provided. 

spring semester (April 14-May 19)
**please register by april 7**

Christian Personal Relationships (CPR)

In this class, Lisa Kerrigan will guide us through a biblically-grounded approach to forming and maintaining mature relationships within the Church.  She’ll discuss practical approaches to understanding what it means to be  the Church, managing conflict, addressing dysfunctional patterns, and more! 


The Bible as Literature

The Bible is ONE book, but like a prism it reveals a colorful variety  of types of literature:  Law, History, Prophecy, Poetry/Wisdom, Gospel, and Letters.  We can go astray in our understanding of what biblical writers say if we don’t understand the type of literature we’re reading.  Come learn how to read and understand the truth of the Bible with greater clarity!  (Teacher: Ralph Felzer)

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